Thursday, June 16, 2016

Glad to JT's Smile

Update. They Performed the Surgery to put in the Feeding Tube this morning.   They took out the feeding tube from his nose.   Everything went well.  He actually had a Smile on his Face when he came back in the room.  He has rested most of the day.  They did do some Stretching Exercises with him.  He did Some work on his Swallowing today and made some good progress.  He is able to have Gatorade and some Ice Cream.  Tomorrow he will be back at it hard for Rehab.  He told his mother and I Today that he was felt better.  He said that he was Happy.  All he Wanted to do was Walk and get back to School with his Friends!!! He Thanked us for brining him to The Shepherd Center and told us that he Loved us!!!  Our Hearts are warm with The Blessing of His Smile and the Progress he has Made .  I Thank God for helping us each Day.  I Thank God for The Love and Prayers we have Received.    God Bless You All!!! One Day at a Time. 
