Monday, May 22, 2017

Thank you!! Mrs. Chloe Baugh is organizing the following event:

May is National Mobility Awareness Month!  Once I read this information, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I pray for "Mobility"...a word that, I selfishly took for granted, until a year ago.  Through a really tough and painful situation, I watched so many people, of all ages-come together and grow into a prayerful, hopeful community!  We can find adversity just about anywhere-but honestly, I would rather not.  I would rather celebrate strength and growth!  So this Thursday, May the 25th {6:00} in the Boardroom at Promise Medical-I want to help you create a unique canvas painting, fellowship, and contribute to HelpHOPELive in recognition of our town's love for J.T. Brooks.  The cost is $30...I will provide your canvas, paint, and brushes.  If painting is not your "thing" I will have donation jars available so you can show your support.  All proceeds will go to HelpHopeLive.  I'm not a professional artist, but I do love to try...I can help you, and I think we can have a lot of fun!  I'm sharing a picture of our can put your own spin on colors, flowers, and other details so that your creation can match your home, office, dorm room, classroom etc.  I painted our downtown, with an eclectic tree-to me this represents: something beautiful can grow from a special town, full of caring people.  I have 20 spots available, so comment your name if you plan on painting!  Thank you, for your support and I look forward to showing the world, that #mobilitymatters to Rogersville!